It's a new year and Gunnar turned 10 months old this month! Time has flown by so quickly when you have time to look back on it :) Here are some of the fun pictures we took this past month!
Around New Years both baby and Ramin woke up with the same hair - bent up in the same spot :P
Gunnar definitely learned how to get into drawers and cabinets and pull out all sorts of fun things!
Aunt Tara and Uncle Chris came over around New Years to give Gunnar their Christmas presents - they had fun watching him open them :)
Just a random picture in the kitchen!
Gunnar finally seemed to notice that we have a fish tank and that there are fish swimming around :P Sometimes I catch him just staring up looking at the tank.
On January 2nd Ramin and I finally had the chance to go and see the Atlanta Hawks play the Utah Jazz here in SLC. We missed the game last year because it was the day my water broke and I went into labor. So this year we were determined to see the game and my wonderful friend Angie was our babysitter for night. We had a great time! And the Hawks beat the Jazz (coincidentally, they are also the best team in the NBA right now too).
We have all kinds of furniture for Gunnar to crawl under - and get stuck!
January 8th we headed back to the Dr. for the flu booster shot. We ended up in our favorite room in the place!
One night, baby was so tired, he fell asleep eating his dinner.
Gunnar just thinks it's hilarious when I line up his toys on the bathtub - I have no idea why :P