This past Sunday we celebrated Gunnar's 2nd birthday! I was so relieved to know that Gunnar would be 2 before baby sister arrived (for some reason that was important to me). We didn't do a major party like we did for his first birthday, but we still celebrated nonetheless. Grandma Marilee and Uncle Chris and Aunt Tara joined us for dinner and then we came home to open presents and Gunnar blew out the candles on a special cupcake!
Here are some of the pictures and video from the birthday!
Opening Great-Grandma Celia's present
Golf clubs from Uncle Chris and Aunt Tara!
Bubble wands gift from Grandma Marilee!
The card that went along with the gift was very cool to touch and play with
As Gunnar says "Oh Boy!!" - he also said "Roooooar" when he opened his dinosaurs from Grandma Marilee
Grocery basket from Aunt Tara and Uncle Chris
BIG present from Uncle Chris and Aunt Tara (video below)
Playing with Thomas the train and dinosaurs!
Now there's a place to play with all of the toys - the picnic table!
Video Time!!!!
Ramin and I got Gunnar his BIG BOY gift of a new tool workbench. We've noticed over the past few months that every time Ramin would bring our a hammer, screwdriver or the power drill that Gunnar would be mesmerized watching him. He would take anything he could find and mimic the motions of a screwdriver - so we knew that we had to get Gunnar a set of his own tools at some point. We debated getting him either the workbench for his birthday or the Lil Tikes car that Chris had as a child. Because the weather is still a bit chilly and unpredictable, we decided to go with the workbench. We'll probably get the Lil Tikes car sometime in the later Spring or Summer.
Here is the video of Ramin bringing out the workbench:
Here is Gunnar playing with his train set and dinosaurs while sitting on his new picnic table:
Here is Gunnar playing with his golf clubs:
And finally, after we let him open and play with all of his toys, we had to sing Happy Birthday and let him blow out his candles!