I'm a bit late on doing this update because Ramin and I were in Vegas Thursday - Monday. So this update is about 4 days late, but that's OK. I'll do another update this week for week #9 :)
Total Weight Gain/Loss: After coming home from Vegas I'm up about a pound but that's because of all the buffets we ate!! The walking did help though!
Maternity clothes: Just ordered some more from Zulily but I don't really need to wear any yet, even my pants. I did buy some Bella Bands though and I think I'll try them out this week and see if they really do hold up my pants without buttoning them.
Stretch marks: Nope
Sleep: It's been good, especially while on vacation. I got to sleep in most of the time which was really really nice! Now that I'm back home I'm in my routine again and I'm waking up once a night to pee.
Best moment last week: We went to our first Midwives appointment and it was a good appointment. I didn't learn anything new really, but we did get to do another ultrasound and we could see the heartbeat again!
Movement: No baby movement...but I do keep having minor tightening/contracting sensations once in a while. I wouldn't call them cramps, but I can definitely feel them.
Food cravings/aversions: Ugh...lots of random things turn me off. And sometimes I'll like something one minute and then hate it the next. This happened A LOT while having the buffets in Vegas. I'd put something on my plate thinking I'd want it and once I got back to the table I didn't want it. Oh well. I'm really noticing that if I'm full at all, I hate the idea of ALL food for a while, until I stop feeling full. I have to watch out not to overstuff myself.
Belly button - in or out? In
Labor signs: Not yet
What I miss: Haven't given up much yet.
What I am looking forward to: Getting over the 3-hour glucose test I have to do on Friday. I failed the 1-hour test during the Midwives appointment last week so now I'm doing the 3-hour test. We're doing my glucose testing early because of my PCOS and use of Metformin. Sooooo I'm hoping things go better the second time around.
Milestones: First official prenatal appointment!
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