Some ideas I have in my head are:
- Patience is a Virtue: My journey towards this moment
- Finding Out: My recollection of the night we found out we were pregnant
- Telling Loved Ones: Memories of the fun surprises we had in store
- Hopes and Wishes: What I'm hoping for my child
- Fears and Solutions: The things I worry about most and how I try to think positively
- My Birth Plan: My ideal plan, and how I'll cope when things don't go my way
Throughout all of it I plan to post pictures and current stats of the day or week. These are my cherished memories and I must be diligent at posting my thoughts and feelings. For now this blog will remain private for the few close family and friends who already know. I'll open it up to everyone else once we announce the pregnancy to more people.
So let's begin!
How far along: 4 weeks exactly! Wow, it's weird to think about it like that.
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I've been monitoring my weight over the past 2 months as I recently lost 10 lbs. Since finding out we were pregnant only 5 days ago, I can say I've maintained.
Stretch marks: This is silly :P
Sleep: Actually, the past two nights have been bad sleeping-wise. Last night I woke up at 4:30am as Ramin was climbing in to bed. I laid there for about 45 minutes before realizing I wasn't falling back alseep. So I got up, got ready for work and was there by 7am. At least I could leave early.
Best moment last week: Seeing that very faint second pink line!
Movement: The only movement I've felt so far is my uterus stretching. Just feels like cramps now and again.
Food cravings: Actually, I have been wanting soft breads lately...especially flat bread. I warm up one in the microwave and eat it plain - it's so light and airy - LOVE IT!
Sex: Won't find this out for a while. Oh and BTW, a pet peeve of mine is when people call it the "gender" - wrong use of the word people!
Belly button - in or out? Oh geeze I hope it stays in!
Labor signs: Not yet
What I miss: Nothing yet really. Haven't had to give up anything.
What I am looking forward to: My next blood draw tomorrow afternoon so that I can see if my beta HCG levels have doubled. However, I AM NOT looking forward to having more needles shoved in my arms/hands.
Milestones: Seeing those HCG levels double!
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