The work week was extremely busy for always is when we have a day off for a holiday. It's like you've got to cram 5 days worth of work into 4 days. I feel like I barely had time for myself this we still had tons of Olympics to watch.
I also had 2 social events this week as well. Thursday night I went to monthly card class with my friends and we had dinner beforehand. It was fun but exhausting of course because I got home late. I love going to it though. Saturday night my friend Misty hosted a fun game night for a bunch of people, including a few work friends. I stayed out late for that as well.
This coming week I'm expecting to be EXTREMELY busy with work as I've got to train our Team Leaders in 4 separate sessions, each session is 3 hours long. I really need to prepare myself to ensure I allow myself enough breaks and can have a snack somewhere during the class. It's also an important topic I'm training so there's a lot of pressure but I'm trying to stay positive and relaxed. Once this week is over I'm expecting the next few months of working to be more relaxed. There's been a lot of build up and stress related to this training so I'll be glad when it's over with.
On a happy note, my Crocus flowers have bloomed from their bulbs, they're early like they are every year :)
How far along: 29 weeks, 6 days
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I'm actually down 2 from my last appointment thanks to my GD diet changes
Wedding Ring on?: On...but my wrists and hands are constantly fluctuating with the carpal tunnel I have
Major Symptoms: This week was good, however, last night when I woke up for the bathroom in the middle of the night I got extremely nauseous. This morning after I ate breakfast I felt the same nauseous feeling. I'm thinking that it might be related to the baby moving around inside and pressing on certain organs.....I've noticed I only get that feeling when he's squirming around.
Stretch marks: Yep. My lower tummy is catching up to my upper tummy and has the bulk of the stretch marks now.
Sleep: I now wear a brace on both wrists at night. They really help prevent my entire arm from falling asleep.
Best moment last week: Passing the dang GD test
Movement: Movement is definitely intense now and this week I can feel him squirming around more and more, rather than just feeling kicks. I can actually feel him tossing and turning, etc.
Food cravings/aversions: Nothing
Belly button - in or out? In
Labor signs: None
What I miss: Nothing
What I am looking forward to: Next appointment - March 3rd
Milestones: Passing the GD test
Wedding Ring on?: On...but my wrists and hands are constantly fluctuating with the carpal tunnel I have
Major Symptoms: This week was good, however, last night when I woke up for the bathroom in the middle of the night I got extremely nauseous. This morning after I ate breakfast I felt the same nauseous feeling. I'm thinking that it might be related to the baby moving around inside and pressing on certain organs.....I've noticed I only get that feeling when he's squirming around.
Stretch marks: Yep. My lower tummy is catching up to my upper tummy and has the bulk of the stretch marks now.
Sleep: I now wear a brace on both wrists at night. They really help prevent my entire arm from falling asleep.
Best moment last week: Passing the dang GD test
Movement: Movement is definitely intense now and this week I can feel him squirming around more and more, rather than just feeling kicks. I can actually feel him tossing and turning, etc.
Food cravings/aversions: Nothing
Belly button - in or out? In
Labor signs: None
What I miss: Nothing
What I am looking forward to: Next appointment - March 3rd
Milestones: Passing the GD test
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