Sunday, February 23, 2014

Week #29 Update

I already provided the biggest update of the week - taking and passing the 3-hour glucose tolerance test! That happened on Tuesday, however, Monday was a holiday and Ramin and I went to the Grizzlie's hockey game at the Maverick Center. We love watching hockey and we had a good time. We like to wear our Colorado Avalanche jerseys when we go see hockey. Here are some pictures of the outing :) After the game we walked over to Cracker Barrel and had a nice dinner together.

The work week was extremely busy for always is when we have a day off for a holiday. It's like you've got to cram 5 days worth of work into 4 days. I feel like I barely had time for myself this we still had tons of Olympics to watch. 

I also had 2 social events this week as well. Thursday night I went to monthly card class with my friends and we had dinner beforehand. It was fun but exhausting of course because I got home late. I love going to it though. Saturday night my friend Misty hosted a fun game night for a bunch of people, including a few work friends. I stayed out late for that as well.

This coming week I'm expecting to be EXTREMELY busy with work as I've got to train our Team Leaders in 4 separate sessions, each session is 3 hours long. I really need to prepare myself to ensure I allow myself enough breaks and can have a snack somewhere during the class. It's also an important topic I'm training so there's a lot of pressure but I'm trying to stay positive and relaxed. Once this week is over I'm expecting the next few months of working to be more relaxed. There's been a lot of build up and stress related to this training so I'll be glad when it's over with.

On a happy note, my Crocus flowers have bloomed from their bulbs, they're early like they are every year :)

How far along: 29 weeks, 6 days
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I'm actually down 2 from my last appointment thanks to my GD diet changes
Wedding Ring on?:  On...but my wrists and hands are constantly fluctuating with the carpal tunnel I have
Major SymptomsThis week was good, however, last night when I woke up for the bathroom in the middle of the night I got extremely nauseous. This morning after I ate breakfast I felt the same nauseous feeling. I'm thinking that it might be related to the baby moving around inside and pressing on certain organs.....I've noticed I only get that feeling when he's squirming around.
Stretch marksYep. My lower tummy is catching up to my upper tummy and has the bulk of the stretch marks now.
SleepI now wear a brace on both wrists at night. They really help prevent my entire arm from falling asleep.
Best moment last weekPassing the dang GD test
MovementMovement is definitely intense now and this week I can feel him squirming around more and more, rather than just feeling kicks. I can actually feel him tossing and turning, etc.
Food cravings/aversions: Nothing
Belly button - in or out? In
Labor signsNone
What I miss: Nothing
What I am looking forward to: Next appointment - March 3rd
MilestonesPassing the GD test

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