Leila is growing so big and she's reaching so many milestones. She's well on her way to rolling over soon - she can go halfway on to her side before returning to her back. She coos all of the time and talks to us. She was sleeping wonderfully for months (6-7 hour stretches) but this week she has hit the 4-month sleep regression and she has been waking every 2-3 hours at night for the past 3 nights in row. Sadly, this will probably keep up for another few weeks as she gets used to all of the fun things she learns every day.
She still does NOT take a bottle.We are working on it every day. I practice with her each day and the ladies at daycare do as well when she goes twice a week. She's got three weeks to figure it out before I have to return to work on August 1st. This is the single thing causing me anxiety about returning to work. I'm actually looking forward to going back to work, except for this one hiccup.
Gunnar loves his baby sister and tries to share his toys and snacks with her all of the time - he is so cute. He is really starting to use his words and loves to say "Dinosaur, hi, stuck, bubbles" all of the time - mostly just "dinosaur" though. He's also gotten pretty good at telling on either mama or dadda to the other parent, for example, if Ramin does something Gunnar doesn't like, he will come over to me and point at Ramin, say some gibberish with "dadda" included in there somewhere - he's basically tattling on Ramin to me - it's the funniest thing ever!
There are also a few pictures from daycare here. He has some best friends there named Harper and Justice. When the older girls like to play hair stylist, you better believe Gunnar is in there with them waiting his turn to get his hair done :P He's been a really good boy at daycare and has learned the fun word "mine" from his friends there ;)
Anyway, enjoy the pictures from all of June and the beginning of July - more to come!
Gunnar was gifted a Daniel Tiger stuffed toy - naturally he had to show Daniel Tiger on the TV his new toy :P
Backyard fun
At the park celebrating Jill's little boy Peyton's birthday!
Gunnar played swords with the big boys!
Hanging out in the backyard
I took Leila to work for lunch so everyone could meet her and hangout. Here she is with my boss, Chrissey :)
Gunnar has so much fun at daycare, they had a swim day recently and sent me these cute pictures.
Tara and I took the boys to the mall so they could ride the train. The other little boy is Cayden and he and Gunnar get along so well even though there is a year difference between them :) Tara watches Cayden Mondays-Thursdays.
Everything Gunnar wears these days is usually dinosaurs
Leila is so good in the bath, unless she has a burp, in which case she screams bloody murder :P
Leila and I go out to meet Jessie and her baby Mason every week for breakfast. We call these "dates" for both of the babies since they are only 5 days apart. Here is their first date, Leila was unimpressed.
Gunnar waiting for his hair to "get done" at the daycare salon.The little girl in white is Harper, his best friend.
Grandma Marilee was able to soothe Leila on a particularly rough day.
This splash pad is literally around the corner from our house.
This is a fun park Chris and I used to play at when we were little - still has the magic pumpkin!
Goodbye dinner for my childhood friend, Steph. Notice the crying baby :P
What a good big brother sharing his toys.
Watching daddy mow the lawn - and had to be part of the action.
We took the Dinosaur Train on the Heber Valley Railroad. Gunnar LOVED it!
After the train we stopped at Bridal Veil Falls so Gunnar could play in the water.
Grandpa Guy came for a visit for a few days.
Hangin with Grandpa at the airshow.
Date #2 - still unimpressed :P
Gunnar loves playing in my jewelry box - of course I only let him play with the non-essentials.
We took a trip to Thanksgiving Point Farm with my friend Gayle and her little girl Lydia. This was Gunnar's first time to a farm AND riding a pony - he LOVED it.
After the Farm we went to the Museum of Ancient Life to check out all of the dinosaurs - again, Gunnar LOVED it!
First time swimming this year at Uncle Chris' pool
The 4th of July!
Gunnar is always fighting something it seems. His nose has really been goopy the past week...as evidenced below.
Ramin's Uncle Marc and Aunt DeLene came for a visit for a few days on their way to Yellowstone.
Picked up a trike for Gunnar at a neighborhood yard sale...he still has to get the hang of it and his legs aren't quite long enough to completely pedal - but he'll get there.
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